Several of Karuna Wellness’s licensed clinicians are also Registered Yoga Instructors who can incorporate yoga and meditation into individual therapy with clients. For more information, click “Get Started” or contact Katie directly at (708) 381-0897. Yoga/somatic based therapy services are covered by insurance (we accept BCBS PPO and Aetna plans), and can be done both in-person or virtually



A key challenge for someone suffering from trauma or PTSD is the inability to regulate their physiological survival response. As an instinctive and unconscious reaction, a person can rationally know they aren’t in danger while still experiencing hypervigilance and even panic. Achieving stabilization of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) through yoga can help people engage with counselling and psychotherapy, allowing them to begin to process their trauma.

Yoga therapy may help people return to a baseline physiological state more quickly after a distressing memory is triggered. It’s thought that regular yoga practice trains the ANS to be more dynamically adaptive, and that mindfulness meditation (a component of yoga) can lead to positive changes in neural functioning, including the reduction in size of the amygdala and increased hippocampal volume.

Our licensed clinicians offer a safe space, both online and in-person, where you may reconnect to your body through your choice of movement.




New to yoga and meditation? Check out some of the benefits of these ancient practices below.



Yoga is a Sanskrit term translating to “to yoke”-”yoking” or connecting mind and body, body and spirit. Yoga has been found to have infinite benefits on our emotional, physical and spiritual health. Below are just a few of the many benefits it can offer:


  • Increases flexibility, muscle tone and strength

  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality

  • Improved cardio and circulatory health

  • Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown

  • Improves bone health

  • Drains lymphs and boosts immunity


  • Boosts mood and can help counter depressoin

  • Improves focus

  • Helps to relax and calm you down

  • Can counter insomnia and help for a deeper sleep

  • Promotes connection and awareness of mind and body

  • When used therapeutically, can be used as a tool to heal from trauma which is stored in the body and released through conscious movement

  • Lays a foundation for a healthy lifestyle

Reference: Yoga Journal and the American Osteopathic Association



The foundational component of yoga, meditation has been traced back to as early as 1500 BCE, discussed in the Vedas in the ancient Indian traditions. Like yoga, meditation has infinite benefits, and today is practiced in various forms from silent awareness, to loving kindness meditation, to guided practices. Below are a few of the many benefits of a regular meditation practice:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Promotes emotional health

  • Improves attention and focus

  • May reduce age-related memory loss

  • May help generate compassion and kindness

  • Can help fight addictions

  • Improves sleep

  • Helps control pain

  • Decreases blood pressure

Reference: HealthLine